Life Strategies
Everyone is capable of leading a life of emotional maturity and thereby gaining great personal satisfaction and meaning. This program teaches the principles of emotional maturity and gives participants the opportunity to live them. Life Strategies and empowers a person to conquer life rather than being a victim of life; challenges a person to handle life rather than be reactive to life.
The purpose of Life Strategies is to provide a roadmap and a set of core strategies to help you grow in emotional maturity. People who are mature emotionally excel at life. They are self-aware, they understand their emotions and to recognize the feelings as they occur. They can manage their feelings in a responsible way. They are self-motivating and able to delay gratification. Furthermore, they know how to handle and build positive relationships. Life Strategies is an opportunity to improve your emotional maturity and live a life of personal effectiveness, fulfillment, self-esteem, and loving relationships.
You will learn to: