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Four Pillars of a Vibrant Marriage 

Marriage is not for the faint of heart. Four Pillars of a Vibrant Marriage challenges couples to change their approach to marriage. Although a difficult journey at times, we believe that an intimate and committed relationship offers the greatest opportunity for personal growth and even joy. 

Topics Include:

Pillar #1: Personal Responsibility

Pillar #2: Honor

Pillar #3: Oneness

Pillar #4: Shared Vision 


Coaching is a powerful relationship that engages willing clients in a deep and honest exploration off their goals as well as the actions required to accomplish them. Through training, discussion, and planning, participants are equipped with a blueprint of their lives.  Personal coaching allows individuals to dig deeper and maintain lasting change. 

Topics Include:

  • Core Concepts
  • The Coaching Conversation
  • The Coaching Relationship
  • The Coaching Model
  • Practice Development
  • Self-management 

Some people navigate some people navigate the challenges and difficulties of married life successfully while others become worn down and defeated by them. Happiness in marriage does not have as much to do with events and circumstances or even ones a mate as weight and attitude of personal responsibility.